(English follows Chinese)




  1. 依僑生回國就學及輔導辦法來臺就學之僑生,但不包括研究生、延長修業期限學生、國立臺灣師範大學僑生先修部先修班及國語文特別輔導班留班重讀生。
  1. 僑生就讀二年級以上者,其前一學年之全學年學業成績平均及格,且於大專校院未受申誡以上之懲處。
  2. 已依其他規定領取政府提供之學雜費補助、減免或助學金者,不得重複申請本助學金。
  3. 為使政府單位補助之獎助學金資源平均分配,本助學金優先提供當學年度未於國際事務處工讀之僑生。



  1. 每人新臺幣3,000元/月
  2. 發放月份自2022年9月〜2023年8月 (2023年應屆畢業生發放至2022年6月)



  1. 清寒僑生助學金申請表、調查表(必繳)(附件)。
  2. 清寒證明或其他證明文件正本。(必繳)以最近兩年內之證明文件為主。(證明文件正本可於審查結果公布後,依國際處公告時間領回。)
  3. 歷年成績單正本:二年級以上學生必繳,一年級新生免繳。



  • 111學年度新生:申請資料請依上述順序排序,上傳至https://forms.gle/wjeWrfQ3GaT2tZgQ6 申請。
  • 在學生:申請資料請依上述順序排序,以釘書機訂妥,並於規定期限內送至國際處,逾時恕不受理。


Please find the following information about ‘‘Subsidized Scholarship for Low-Income Overseas Chinese Students.’’ For the ‘‘NDHU Instructions for the Review of Subsidized Scholarship for Low-Income Overseas Chinese Students,’’ please refer to the link: https://reurl.cc/qdEGDg

  1. Application Criteria
    1. Overseas Chinese students who pursue studies in Taiwan in accordance with the Regulations Regarding Study and Counseling Assistance for Overseas Chinese Students in Taiwan. This shall not include graduate students, students who have extended study periods, overseas Chinese students enrolled in the Division of Preparatory Programs for Overseas Chinese Students and students repeating the special Mandarin language program in National Taiwan Normal University.
    2. Overseas Chinese students in their second year of study or above shall have had a passing GPA for the previous academic year and there shall be no record of disciplinary measures at the level of reprimand or above imposed by a college or university.
    3. Overseas Chinese students shall not be eligible to apply for subsidized scholarship if they already receive tuition subsidies, exemptions, or grants from the government pursuant to other regulations.
    4. To distribute the funding of the government more equally, students who do not work part-time at Office of International Affairs have priority to be awarded the scholarship.
  1. Amount & Awarding Period
    1. NTD 3,000/month
    2. From September, 2022 to August, 2023 (students graduate in 2023, from September, 2022 to June, 2023)
  2. Application Documents
    Please use a stapler to fasten the documents and submit them in the following order.

    1. Application Form & Investigation Form (required) (as attached)
    2. The original copy of certificate of low income status or other certificates
      issued within two years (required)

      The original copy can be taken back after the result announces, 
      during the time designated by Office of International Affairs.
    3. The original copy of transcripts of all academic years.
      Required for all except for first year students.
  3. Application Date
    9 am〜12 pm, 1 pm〜5 pm, September 21〜September 22, 2022
    Please submit the application documents to Office of International Affairs within the application period. Application submitted after the deadline will not be accepted.


李依霈 Ellen Lee
國際事務處 國際招生組
International Admissions Division
Office of International Affairs (OIA)