English version in below

◎時間:2023.4.3 開始


◎内容:JLU  2023 年夏季學期虛擬國際課程 (VIP)


◎報名時間: 即日起至2/12止     〈1/31下午2:00 (CEST)開放線上問問題〉

◎報名流程:1.填寫google 表單向國際處報名,同時繳交以下文件:

*Google form:https://forms.gle/WmHWBvNoCszJfmY28


2.透過姊妹校報名系統報名  報名連結

相關訊息請參考~  https://www.jlu-digitalcampus.de/vip



◎Contents:JLU’s Virtual International Programme (VIP) for summer semester 2023.

◎Fee:do not pay any registration, enrolment or credit fees 

◎Registration Deadline: February 12th, 2023 . ( online question time on 31st January 2023, at 2pm (CEST)

◎Registration Procedure:

1.Sign up via google form and upload below documents to OIA.

*Google formhttps://forms.gle/WmHWBvNoCszJfmY28

*Student Status Certificate

2.Complete the online application form for Partner Uni.   報名連結

More info:  https://www.jlu-digitalcampus.de/vip