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Research Project

Research Project


-Students themselves must get the permission issued by the applied dept./institution/ advisior at NDHU prior to their application at least two month before their arrival in Taiwan.

-Foreign students who wish to apply for short-term research at NDHU should submit all the required documents to the applied dept./institution/ advisior at NDHU.
After compiling the documents ,the host dept./institution/ advisior must accomplish the application by going through the administrative procedure.


-The expected duration of short-term research is limited within 6 months.





Required Documents for applying as a short-term student (compiled by the hosting department):


1.  Application Form(B): 【Form (B) Download
2.  Curriculum Vitae
3.  A Copy of Passport
4.  A copy of Identity Card
5.  Passport-Size Photo
6.  Enrollment Verification
7.  Transcript for all Semesters
8.  Agreement Issued by the applied Dept. or Institution: 【Agreement Download
9.  Health Report
(Please email to issa@gms.ndhu.edu.tw upon arrival on campus. ): 【Health Report Download
10.  Research Plan
11.  Insurance Certificate
12.  Other Document  (If any)

* Please fill our in the format mentioned above: Application Form(B), Health Report, Agreement Issued by the applied Dept. or Institution

Requesting assistance from the hosting department: Creating and providing invitaion letter; applying for dormitory, library card and internet access

Program payment sheet: Prior to arrival, the Office of International Affairs (OIA) will prepare and email it to the applying  student, who are requested to submit it to the Cashier Division (Administration building on the 1st floor) on the day of registration.


Other Document Download:

1. Short-term Visit Student Admission Procedure Form
2. Short-term Visit Student Leave-School Procedure Form