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Subsidy For Outbound Exchange Program

  • How to apply for subsidy: Apply and submit required documents alongside the application for exchange program each semester.
  • Subsidy types:

1. NDHU Subsidy

  • Application Eligibility: no restrictions
  • Subsidy Items:round-trip economy class direct flights from Taiwan to the exchange country/city (subsidy caps determined based on travel destinations)
  • Note: up to NTD40,000 for Europe, America; up to NTD25,000 for Japan, Korea, Southeast Asia; up to NTD20,000 for China.

2. MoE “Soaring Sea of Knowledge” Scholarship

  • Application Eligibility
    • ROC nationals
    • Applying for exchange to universities not located in China, Hong Kong, and Macao
    • Must not be recipients of concurrent subsidies granted by the ROC government
  • Subsidy Items: round-trip economy class direct flights from Taiwan to the exchange country/city and living expenses.
  • Note: minimum of NTD60,000.

3. MoE “Rare Pearl of Knowledge” Scholarship

  • Application Eligibility
    • ROC nationals with certain identity
    • Applying for exchange in fall semester.
    • Applying for exchange to universities not located in China, Hong Kong, and Macao
    • Must not be recipients of concurrent subsidies granted by the ROC government
  • Subsidy Items: round-trip economy class direct flights from Taiwan to the exchange country/city and living expenses.
  • Note: minimum of NTD60,000.

Students granted one of the aforementioned subsidies shall refrain from submitting another application and shall not be granted another subsidy.

👉 Subsidy Forms

Subsidy Receipt Form (fill out only the red boxes)
Loan Application (fill out only the red boxes)
Administration Contract (MoE “Soaring Sea of Knowledge” Scholarship/MoE “Rare Pearl of Knowledge” Scholarship only)
Application for Foreign Airline Flight
Post Office Bank Account Information
Bank of Taiwan Bank Account Information
Other Banks Account Information