- 如何申請補助:每學期交換學生甄選時同時於線上申請並繳交申請文件。
- 補助種類:
- 校內補助
- 申請資格:不限
- 補助項目:由台灣至交換目的國家/城市之來回經濟艙直航機票,依地區訂定補助金額上限。
- 註:歐美學校上限 2 萬 5 千元,日韓東南亞學校上限 2 萬元,大陸地區學校上限 1 萬 5 千元。
- 教育部學海飛颺
- 申請資格:
- 具中華民國國籍,且在臺灣地區設有戶籍。
- 申請至非大陸地區及香港、澳門之學校交換。
- 不得同時領取我國政府提供之其他出國補助。
- 補助項目:由台灣至交換目的國家/城市之來回經濟艙直航機票、生活費、國外學費。
- 註:至少6萬元整。
- 申請資格:
- 教育部學海惜珠資格
- 申請資格:
- 具中華民國國籍,且在臺灣地區設有戶籍。
- 具有各直轄市、縣(市)主管機關認定之低收入戶、中低收入戶、特殊境遇家庭扶助、身心障礙者生活補助費、弱勢兒童及少年生活扶助、弱勢家庭兒童及少年緊急生活扶助及及同一戶籍內具中低收入老人生活津貼補助資格。
- 申請交換期程為秋季學期出發。
- 申請至非大陸地區及香港、澳門之學校交換。
- 不得同時領取我國政府提供之其他出國補助。
- 補助項目:由台灣至交換目的國家/城市之來回經濟艙直航機票、生活費、國外學費。
- 註:至少6萬元整。
已領取過以上任一 補助款者,將不得再提出申請或再次領取補助 。
- 申請資格:
- How to apply for subsidy: Apply and submit required documents alongside the application for exchange program each semester.
- Subsidy types:
- NDHU Subsidy
- Application Eligibility: no restrictions
- Subsidy Items:round-trip economy class direct flights from Taiwan to the exchange country/city (subsidy caps determined based on travel destinations)
- Note: up to NTD25,000 for Europe, America; up to NTD20,000 for Japan, Korea, Southeast Asia; up to NTD15,000 for China.
- MoE “Soaring Sea of Knowledge” Scholarship
- Application Eligibility
- ROC nationals
- Applying for exchange to universities not located in China, Hong Kong, and Macao
- Must not be recipients of concurrent subsidies granted by the ROC government
- Subsidy Items: round-trip economy class direct flights from Taiwan to the exchange country/city and living expenses.
- Note: minimum of NTD60,000.
- Application Eligibility
- MoE “Rare Pearl of Knowledge” Scholarship
- Application Eligibility
- ROC nationals with certain identity
- Applying for exchange in fall semester.
- Applying for exchange to universities not located in China, Hong Kong, and Macao
- Must not be recipients of concurrent subsidies granted by the ROC government
- Subsidy Items:
- round-trip economy class direct flights from Taiwan to the exchange country/city and living expenses.
- Note: minimum of NTD60,000.
- Application Eligibility
- Students granted one of the aforementioned subsidies shall refrain from submitting another application and shall not be granted another subsidy.
👉補助相關文件下載 Subsidy Forms
補助款收據單Subsidy Receipt Form (只需填紅色框內部分 fill out only the red boxes)
暫付借款申請單 Loan Application (只需填紅色欄位 fill out only the red boxes)
行政契約書 Administration Contract (學海飛颺/學海惜珠獎學金適用 MoE “Soaring Sea of Knowledge” Scholarship/MoE “Rare Pearl of Knowledge” Scholarship only)
搭乘外國籍航空班機申請書 Application for Foreign Airline Flight
郵局劃帳清冊 Post Office Bank Account Information
臺灣企銀劃帳清冊 Bank of Taiwan Bank Account Information
其他銀行劃帳清冊 Other Banks Account Information