
Tuition is billed each semester (one academic year consists of two semesters).
This page is for reference only. Please refer to the latest information on the website of the Office of Academic Affairs for the actual fees for each academic year.

Refund Policy of Tuition, Credit Fee, and Miscellaneous Expenses

休退學時間 Status 退費情形 Refund Policy
本校上課開始日(不含當日)之前 Before the 1st day of NDHU classes (not including the 1st day of classes) 免繳費,已繳費者全額退費 Exempt from payment, full refund of all fees for those who have already paid
學生於加退選截止日(含)之前 Before the deadline of the courses add/drop Online 退還全部學分費 Full refund of Credits fee 大學部延畢生則退還學雜費超過四分之一之金額 *For the studnt who delay graduation of the bachelor degree, over 1/4 refund of tuition will be proceeded.
上課開始日後未逾學期 1/3 Before the first 1/3 of the semester is completed, beginning from the 1st day of classes 學雜費及其餘各項費用退還2/3。 2/3 refund of full tuition & fees (or basic tuition & fees) and other fees
上課開始日後逾學期 1/3,未逾 2/3 After the first 1/3 but before 2/3 of the semester is completed, beginning from the 1st day of classes 學雜費及其餘各項費用退還1/3 1/3 refund of full tuition & fees (or base tuition & fees) and other fees
上課開始日後逾學期 2/3 After 2/3 of the semester is completed, beginning from the 1st day of classes 所繳各費均不退還 All fees paid are non-refundable
以上學雜費退費機制與規定,請依本校教務處註冊組規定為準。 For further details of the above regulations and policy, please kindly refer to NDHU Academic Affairs Office.