
Application Process

Home Institution

Exchanges to NDHU are only possible if your school has an exchange program to NDHU and if you have been selected by your university. Please check with your school to see if they offer exchanges to NDHU and what procedures you need to complete to be selected.

Application Deadline

Once your home institution has selected you for an exchange, you must apply to NDHU’s exchange program. Please complete the application steps stated as follows and return it to your exchange advisor at your home institution. Once your application has been processed you will receive an acceptance packet in the mail. Please be aware of the NDHU application deadlines for when you wish to begin your exchange at NDHU.
There are two semesters in every academic year, the fall semester and the spring semester, in which students can apply for exchange at NDHU.

Semester starts from Semester ends in Application system open
Fall Semester Mid of September Mid of January March 1 – April 15
Spring Semester Mid of February End of June October 1 – November 15

Steps of Exchange Program Application

2025 Spring-National Dong Hwa University, Taiwan-Exchange Program Information

Step1: Contact the exchange advisor at your university.
Step2: You will receive the exchange nomination notice e-mail from the application system after your advisor nominates. You will be able to log in your account via the link. (Create your new password when you log in the portal at the first time.)
Step3: Complete application form On-line and upload the following documents: (1~4 are required)
1. Student certificate(JPG)
2. A copy of passport(JPG)
3. One photograph (35 x 45 mm)(JPG)
4. One Original Transcript(JPG)
5. Adviser Application Form(PDF) This is optional for graduate applicant only. If the applicant needs to study with an adviser while staying at NDHU, we’d like to ask applicant fill out the form.
Step4: Please confirm all your information before submitting. (It cannot be revised afterward)

Important Information

Before You Begin Your Exchange

Once you have been accepted to NDHU’s Exchange Program, your International affair unit will receive acceptance packets and you need to mind for applying for the Student Visa, not Visitor Visa. Other procedures, like registering for classes can be done after you arrive on campus.

1.Resident visa application

Admitted student has to apply for resident visa from the overseas Taiwan representative office. Please refer to the following link for details of resident visa application.

2. Flight Information Upload

Admitted exchange student has to provide your flight information through your account before the published deadline.

3. Medical Insurance

In order to ensure the safety, exchange students must buy the medical insurance when you arrive    to Taiwan on registration date. The medical insurance cost is NTD 500 per month and total is 6 months, the amount is NTD 3,000 in cash.

4. Finish Medical Examination

For short-term students who plan to study in Taiwan at least 3-months but not more than 6-months, please finish all the required medical examination items in your country, which includes “Positive Measles and Rubella Antibody Titers or Measles and Rubella Immunization” and “Chest X-Ray for Tuberculosis”.

After You Enter NDHU

1. Pay Off Your Administration Fee to OIA– NTD 1,000/ per person 

It includes the delivery fee of your invitation letter, transcript and certificate, etc.

2. Submit Your Medical Examination Report

Stay 3 to 6 months:Download the formPlease prepare the originals and the soft copies of immunization certificates and the chest X-ray report,submit to the health center office of student affair when you arrive.

Stay 6 to 12 months: Download the form

3. Submit a copy of your visitor Visa to OIA 

Cost of Study

Currently undergraduate students pay approximately NTD 24,000 to NT$28,000 per semester for tuition and fees. Graduate students will pay approximately NTD 11,000 to NTD 13,000 per semester for student services, plus NTD 1,530 per unit enrolled. Books and supplies cost about NTD 10,000 per semester. However, base on the agreement between your university and NDHU, your tuition might be waived.

Housing and Living Costs

All international students will be provided with on-campus dormitory-style housing. Each room accommodates four, which costs about USD 300 per semester per student. However, base on the agreement between your university and NDHU, your on-campus housing expense might be waived. Please consult with your exchange advisor.

Living expenses range from USD 250 to USD 450 per month.

Courses Website

Courses searching system:
Online course selection:
You could choose the courses online before arrive. Please follow the schedule if you need to select additional class or drop the class.

Two minimum courses are required.(At least one course in your college and one chinese language class of Chinese language center are required )

Arrival date

Please arrive Taoyuan International airport around noon, it costs more than 6 hours to our campus. Please keep your cell phone available and arrive our campus on the recommended date to match up the opening of the accommodation.

Please finish International Exchange Student Admission Procedure Form on the day after you arrival date.

Please finish International Exchange Student Leave-School Procedure Form before leaving.




2025 春季臺灣東華大學申請簡章

一、 學生申請資格:

(一)  透過姊妹校申請:由姐妹校自訂甄選標準,推薦適當人選。依兩校簽訂協議之名額為限。

(二)  自行申請者:由本校國際處收件後,送相關單位審核,每年名額不定。

二、 申請系統個人帳戶使用說明:


三、 申請表件及繳交期程:

(一) 申請文件:全面使用線上申請系統,無須寄送紙本及打印,請用繁體字填寫。

1. 交換學生入學申請表

2. 學校提名 (由姊妹校窗口彙整並登入系統填寫)

(二) 上傳申請文件:除了論文指導教授申請表為PDF,其他皆為JPG檔,檔名請命名為學校_姓名(例:XX大學_XX)。

1. 身分證彩色雙面掃描檔(JPG檔):請以彩色正反面掃描於同一頁上。

2. 證件照2吋一張(背景白色、耳眉不可遮掩、頭部需大於3.2cm)(JPG檔)

3. 在校成績單正本1份掃描檔:須有校方章戳之證明(JPG檔)

4. 在學證明:內容須含學生資料及修業時間,並蓋學校戳章(JPG檔)

5. 來臺若有需要指導教授,請填寫交換學生論文指導教授申請表 (PDF),輔助文件,非必要,指導教授保留接收與否意見。若無指導需求則毋須填寫。

(三) 收件日期:



四、 選課及入學須知:

(一) 本校不限定交換生選擇系所或修習課程範圍,但不包括海洋學院。

(二) 每學期共計18 週,若母校無修課規定,則在本校至少選修2 門課。完成課程考試者,將發給成績單。成績以A~E 等第為計分方式。

(三) 入學申請及通知,由母校承辦窗口聯繫轉知。

(四) 選課為線上作業,請按照公告選課時程完成選課及加退選。



(五) 如有選課相關問題,請洽交換系所助理。

五、 交換生報到須知:

(一 ) 須於指定日期於線上系統,回覆班機資訊,以保留住宿床位資格。

(二) 為保障學生安全,本校要求交換學生於抵臺後,務必於報到時,購買臺灣保險公司提供的醫療保險,1個月新臺幣500元*6個月,共新臺幣3,000元 (現金)。

(三) 需繳交行政費用,由我校代辦入台證者(設籍大陸地區):繳交新臺幣1,500元。

(四) 須於入境前完成指定項目健康檢查,並於入臺後繳交麻疹、德國麻疹預防接種證明 、X光胸部肺結核檢查報告。
如有任何健康檢查問題請洽詢楊護理師 ; +886-3-8906254

* 健康檢查相關參考附件:健康檢查參考事項短期研修健康檢查項目表

(五) 於學期結束時,需繳交一份1500字心得報告至線上系統,以作為寄發研修證明及成績單之憑據。

(六) 交換生手冊:將於錄取結果公告後提供電子檔。

六、 生活資訊:

(一) 生活費:一個月約8,000~10,000元左右(含食、鄰近交通等,不含旅遊娛樂費)

(二) 住宿費:一學期約9,500~13,000元(含2000元保證金),學士班為兩人或四人房,碩博班為兩人或單人房,

(三) 交通:志學、花蓮單趟約30分鐘,來回可透過火車與客運(301號、1121號),校園內以單車為主。
學校合作計程車公司:中美計程車 03-8234432 (志學–花蓮車站 日350元、夜400元)

(四) 手機門號:抵達桃園機場可先行辦理方便聯繫,另於入學日國際處亦有安排電信到校門號辦理服務,提供學生優惠方案。


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