☀☀ 請留意每年3月與10月,我們將會發校園公告招募唷! ☀☀
— 2023 春季| 國際接待義工招募及徵選資訊 —
(English version below)
(一) 甄選目的: 為使來我校之境外學生適應校園生活,留下美好的印象,並讓本校學生藉由接待活動,與外國學生交流,拓展國際視野,落實國際化校園,而招募接待義工團隊。
(二) 接待時間
(三) 接待對象
➤ 交換學生:多數來自大陸地區,以及來自捷克、韓國、印尼、泰國、西班牙、日本等國家。
➤ 外籍學生:本校學、碩、博之境外學生。
(四) 報名資格
- 限本校在學學生,採組隊報名制,每組至少3人(含)以上,並自行推選組長1名為主要聯絡窗口。
- 經書面初審錄取之團隊,接待組長及至少2位組員須參加複審面試。
- 經複審錄取之團隊,全員須出席義工研習訓練,否則取消資格。
- 複審面試日期:2022年11月18日(五) 08:30–18:00,初審通過後將會收到面試時間線上調查表,請自行擇一時段勾選。
- 義工研習訓練:2022年12月7日(三) 12:20 – 13:30。
- 2023年春季班境外新生入宿日:2023年2月8日至9日,須配合在校入宿協助。
☀ 國際義工報名SOP ☀
(五) 報名方式
- 即日起至2022年11月11日(五)下午17:00前,填寫資料,以填寫送出時間為憑據,逾期不候。(每人填寫一份,須註明組長姓名)
- 交換學生接待團隊預計招募25-30組,外籍學生接待團隊預計招募10-15組。
(六) 義工研習訓練
- 複審面試後,將以E-mail寄送 (1)錄取通知,(2)交換生手冊/外籍生手冊及 (3)義工通訊錄,以便義工事先詳閱各手冊內容,並確認通訊資料無誤。
- 2022年12月7日(三)義工研習訓練,將與各組公開討論及講解接待工作內容,以及簽署個資保護聲明書,請務必全員出席,不得告假。
【交換生場次】時間:12:20 – 13:30 / 地點:行政大樓602會議室
【外籍生場次】時間:12:20 – 13:30 / 地點:行政大樓416會議室
(七) 義工獎勵
- 義工團隊完成必要接待項目(詳如第9點)以及確實出席2022年12月7日(三)義工研習訓練及2023年2月10日(五)境外新生入學指導說明會,即可選擇核給20小時服務學習時數或於期末核發國際接待義工服務證明,二擇一。
- 境外新生入學指導說明會為接待義工必要參加之項目,若遇不可抗拒之因素得事前請假,經組長確認後,同意核給10小時服務學習時數或期末義工服務證明,二擇一。無故缺席者,取消義工資格,不予核發任何義工獎勵。
- 接待義工若表現優異獲本處肯定者,將另以記嘉獎作為獎勵。
- 凡擔任獲得服務證明者,將列入日後申請出國交換時加分依據。
- 義工時數及證書將於期末結束前製發,如有課堂特殊需求須提前領取請至少一周前與國際處聯繫以便協助核發。
(八) 其他注意事項
- 接待義工如有不適任情況,本處有權撤銷服務對象或終止其義工資格。
- 原則上由國際處分配接待學校,不得自由挑選,若有特別想接待的國家或是學校,可先行於報名表中註明以作參考。
- 義工於服務期間,並無義務代學生支付任何的費用或代墊任何款項(如車費、餐費、娛樂費或其他費用),請務必注意交通及自身安全,並儘量避免涉及情感問題。
- 義工於接待境外新生時,應本於服務的熱忱,盡力協助其適應環境,於接待過程中,除主動提供服務之外,也應尊重被接待者之需求,適切回應。
- 國際接待義工屬自發性義工團隊,國際處並無強制要求義工必須親自至機場接機,惟組內需妥善配置人力,至少將學生從花蓮火車站接待至宿舍區,並提供來校學生抵台後至到校前交通諮詢。
- 義工的通訊方式及電子郵件,若有更動,請即以電子郵件方式告知本處承辦人。
(九) 必要接待事項
✔ 寒暑假期間保持良好聯繫,提供來校前諮詢。
✔ 保持良好聯繫與溝通(EX:建立聯絡平台)、提醒學生上傳規定文件與航班資訊。
✔ 協助入境後交通諮詢及接待事宜。
✔ 妥善的入境接待計畫、提供完善的交通諮詢及帶領熟悉校園環境。
✔ 協助完成入宿手續。
✔ 帶領到分配宿舍完成報到,宿網IP開通等。
✔ 協助完成註冊報到手續。
✔ 陪同參加新生入學指導活動,完成報到及繳費等手續。
✔ 協助辦理台灣電話號碼。
✔ 協助及提供建議有關床褥備品。
✔ 協助及提供建議有關校園代步工具。
✔ 協助於期限內完成選課。
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(十) 校內聯絡窗口
國際處 國際學生組 (ISSA)
➤ 外籍生:林佩寬 助理 Pei-Kuan Lin 電話:03-8905118
➤ 交換生:魏綺瑩 助理 Vanessa Wei 電話:03-8905119
✂ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━
(English version)
☀☀ The international volunteer recruitment is in March and October per year.☀☀
— 2023 SS | International Volunteer Recruitment —
❙ Reception period ❙
➤ [Required] 2022/12-2023/2 until freshmen finish their course selection and offline registration
➤ [Optional] 2023/3-2023/6
❙ Freshmen ❙
You are going to receive either exchange students or international degree students.
❙ How to register ❙
1. You are current student at NDHU. Your team members are at least/ including 3 people and recommend one of the member to be the team leader.
2. After your team passes the first review, your team is required to participate in the offline interview.
3. Your team should take international volunteering training.
4. Offline interview: 2022/11/18 08:30-18:00. We will send the interview survey to you.
5. International volunteering training: 2022/12/7 12:20-13:30
6. 2023 Spring semester dorm entry date: 2023/2/8-2/9
❙ Registration Deadline ❙
1. Please find your teammates and submit the form before 2022/11/11 17:00. (!! Everyone should submit your own answer!!)
2. Recruitment:
Exchange students team: 25-30 groups
International Degree student team: 10-15 groups
❙ Volunteering Training ❙
Date: 2022/12/7
Exchange students team ➤ 602 meeting room in Administration Building
International Degree student team ➤ 416 meeting room in Administration Building
❙ Award ❙
If you complete volunteer training on 2022/12/7 + Freshmen’s offline registration on 2023/2/10, you will get either 20 hours of Service Learning Hours or Service Certificate.
❙ NOTE ❙
1. If the volunteers are incompetent, OIA has the right to revoke the service target or terminate their volunteer qualifications.
2. OIA assigns host schools, and cannot be chosen freely. If there is a country or school that you want to host, you can indicate it in the registration form for reference.
3. During the service period, volunteers are not obliged to pay any fees or advance any payment (such as transportation fees, meals, entertainment fees and so on) on behalf of students. Please pay attention to traffic and your own safety and try to avoid emotional problems.
4. When receiving overseas new students, volunteers should try their best to help them adapt to the environment based on their enthusiasm for service. During the reception process, in addition to actively providing services, they should also respect the needs of the recipients and respond appropriately.
5. The volunteers are a voluntary volunteer team. OIA does not require volunteers to pick up the airport in person. However, the team needs to properly allocate manpower. Traffic consultation from behind the stage to before arriving at the school.
6. If there is any change in the communication method and e-mail of the volunteers, please notify the organizer of this office by e-mail.
❙ Necessary reception matters ❙
✔ Maintain good contact during the winter and summer vacations and provide pre-visit counseling.
✔ Maintain good contact and communication (EX: establish a contact platform), remind students to upload required documents and flight information.
✔ Assist with post-entry transportation consultation and reception.
✔ Proper immigration reception plan, provide comprehensive transportation consultation and lead to familiarize yourself with the campus environment.
✔ Assist with dorm check-in procedures.
✔ Lead to the assigned dormitory to complete the check-in, open the IP of the hostel network, etc.
✔ Assist in completing the registration and check-in procedures.
✔ Accompany you to participate in the orientation activities for new students, and complete the registration and payment procedures.
✔ Assist with getting Taiwanese phone number.
✔ Assist and advise on bedding equipment.
✔ Assist and advise on campus mobility aids.
✔ Assist in completing course selection within the deadline.
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Register NOW:
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❙ Contact Person ❙
International degree students matter ➤ Pei-Kuan Lin / 03-8905118
Exchange students matter ➤ Vanessa Wei / 03-8905119
Email: issa@gms.ndhu.edu.tw