Internship / 短期實習 (由研習單位受理申請)

-Students themselves must get the permission issued by the applied dept./institution/ advisor at NDHU prior to their application at least two month before their arrival in Taiwan..

-Foreign students who wish to apply for internship at NDHU should submit all the required documents to the applied dept./institution/ advisior at NDHU.
After compiling the documents ,the host dept./institution/ advisior must accomplish the application by going through the administrative procedure.

-The term “foreign students”is defined as degree students who assume internships at NDHU and are officially enrolled at foreign universities or academic institutions included in the reference list compiled by the Ministry of Education.

-The expected duration of internship is limited within 6 months.


Regulations / 相關規定



申請短期實習學生應備文件 (由研習單位彙整)
Required Documents for applying as an Intership student (compiled by the hosting department):

1. 短期研究申請表(B) Application Form(B): 【Form (B) Download 申請表(B)表格下載
2. 簡歷 Curriculum Vitae
3. 護照資料頁影本 A Copy of Passport
4. 身分證正反面 A copy of Identity Card
5. 護照規格照片 Passport-Size Photo
6. 在學證明 Enrollment Verification
7. 歷年成績單 Transcript for all Semesters
8. 研習系所或單位同意書 Agreement Issued by the applied Dept. or Institution: Agreement Download 單位審核同意書下載
9. 健康檢查報告 Health Report
(請於抵校時,email至。Please email to upon arrival on campus. ): 【Health Report Download 健康檢查報告書下載
10. 實習計劃書 Internship Plan
(中英皆可;12號字;字型 Times New Roman 或 標楷體; 單行間距;至少 A4紙一頁;內容須載明實習內容及其與就讀課程或畢業條件之關係、場域、起訖期間、實習指導人、實習經費、實習生支領之獎助學金或生活津貼金額等。)
(Either in English or Chinese; typeset in 12-point Times New Roman; single spaced; at least one A4 page; the plan must include the following contents:
(1) what you want to do and achieve during the internship,
(2) how the internship link to your current study program/graduate requirement
(3) requirements of internship venue, dates, and supervisor
(4) funding, and any subsidies involved in the intern)
11. 必要實習證明-載明實習為其就讀課程或畢業必要條件之證明 (課綱、教學計畫表、課程/畢業規定等)
A Proof that Internship is Required-A proof that internship is compulsory for program or graduation(course outline, syllabus, program/graduate requirements, etc.)
12. 保險證明 Insurance Certificate
13. 承諾書 Letter of Commitment: 【Letter of Commitment Download 承諾書表格下載
14. 其他文件 Other Document  (若有需要的話 If any)

 * Please fill our in the format mentioned above: Application Form(B), Health Report, Agreement Issued by the applied Dept. or Institution

邀請單位協助: 製作邀請函;申請宿舍、臨時圖書證、網路
Requesting assistance from the hosting department: Creating and providing invitaion letter; applying for dormitory, library card and internet access

實習繳費單: 抵校前,國際處將製作並email給申請學生,請於報到當天至行政大樓1樓出納組繳交。
Program payment sheet: Prior to arrival, the Office of International Affairs (OIA) will prepare and email it to the applying  student, who are requested to submit it to the Cashier Division (Administration building on the 1st floor) on the day of registration.

其他文件下載 Other Document Download:
1. 到校手續單 / Short-term Visit Student Admission Procedure Form
2. 離校手續單/ Short-term Visit Student Leave-School Procedure Form