1. Office of International Affairs, National Formosa University has held the “2019 NFU Cup International Student Futsal Game”.
2. Date: June 15th-16th, 2019
3. Registration:
(1) Reregister by universities. Please fill out the registration form attached and E-mail to ka1031@nfu.edu.tw.
(2) Registration Fee: NT$ 5,000 for each team (If you register before Apr. 30th, you can have a special price for NT$ 2,000.)
(3) Registration Deadline: May 15th
5. Details please directly contact below.
Ms. Luo
Assistant of Office of International Affairs, National Formosa University
Phone: +886-5-631-3447
E-mail: ka1031@nfu.edu.tw
OIA Jenny Hsu
Ext. 5117
二、目的: 為加強本校國際學生與各校學生間之交流,並培養學生團隊合作精神、促進學生間互動之和諧。
三、活動日期: 2019年6月15日至16日
四、報名截止日期: 至5月22日止
五、報名費用: 每隊酌收新台幣5,000元,於4月30日前報名享早鳥優惠價新台幣2,000元,此活動將以校為單位統一受理報名。
七、活動詳情請自行聯繫: 羅小姐,電話:(05)631-3447,E-mail: ka1031@nfu.edu.tw
國際處 Jenny Hsu