1. 「學校與廠商的實習契約」與「學生個人與廠商的工讀契約」必須明確區隔。
2. 「學生個人與廠商的工讀契約」為學生個人與廠商簽訂之契約,需尊重學生自主工作意願,學校不得以實習課程之名要求學生從事工讀,也不得將工讀事項訂定於實習契約,而應另訂工讀契約。
3. 境外生工讀應依就業服務法申請工作許可,其工作時間除寒暑假外,每週至多20小時。
4. 學校、實習機構或工讀機構均不得扣留學生護照,且實習津貼或學生個人工讀薪資應由實習機構或工讀機構直接撥付學生,不得將實習津貼或工讀薪資代扣學費、雜費及代辦費等費用後,再核發予學生。
*教育部鼓勵境外學生善加利用NISA專線服務電話: https://www.edu.tw/News_Content.aspx?n=9E7AC85F1954DDA8&s=AEDEDA1FA675568F
國際處 Jenny Hsu
分機 5117
Ministry of Education proclaim that foreign students should follow the part-time job rules.
It is stipulated that students’ working hours week should not exceed more than 20 hours except for the winter and summer vacations.
Both of school and internship institution cannot detain students’ passport and shall pay students directly. They cannot deduct pay from tuition, miscellaneous fees etc.
Ministry of Education encourage foreign students to use the NISA contact to properly protect the rights of students:
Direct line: 0800-789-007
Inquiry Service for Overseas Students: https://form.jotform.me/90622054811449
OIA Jenny Hsu
Ext. 5117