〈防疫最新消息及異動 Adjustments and news of Novel Coronavirus issue〉
更新時間 Update:2020.3.16
Dear students,
Please keep yourself updated if any adjustment or self-health management announced by the government and school. Thank you for your understanding and cooperating. Please take good care of yourself.
陸生相關 Info for Mainland Chinese students
安心就學方案: https://osa.ndhu.edu.tw/files/14-1007-148490,r358-1.php?Lang=zh-tw
相關部門及資訊連結 Related links
- 台灣衛福部官方網站 CDC Taiwan official website: https://www.cdc.gov.tw/En
- 台灣衛福部推特 CDC twitter: https://twitter.com/taiwan_cdc
- 外交部領事局 Bureau of Consular Affairs: https://www.boca.gov.tw/mp-2.html
- 東華大學國際處粉絲專頁 OIA FB: https://www.facebook.com/oia.ndhu.3
- 新冠狀病毒(武漢肺炎)多語專題報導 Multilingual Coverage of the Novel Coronavirus Outbreak | Rti Radio Taiwan International: https://reurl.cc/nV92dX