2020「那一年,我在台灣… When I was/am studying in Taiwan…」影片競賽
( 一 ) 活動目的:
2020影片競賽「那一年,我在台灣… When I was/am studying in Taiwan…」,邀請已經從台灣畢業的蒙古校友、現在台灣求學的蒙古學生,以自製影片分享在台灣的生活紀錄,例如印象最深刻的經驗、最喜歡的人事物、最驕傲的時刻…等。參加作品經專業評審評選優勝三名頒發獎勵金( 第一名獲頒NT$6,000,第二名獲頒NT$5,000、第三名獲頒NT$4,000 )。
( 二 ) 參加對象:
在台灣或者在蒙古的蒙古國民( 含在學學生、畢業校友,不限年齡 )
( 三 ) 報名日期:
( 四 ) 影片語言:
( 五 ) 報名方式:
請至蒙古台灣教育中心網站( www.tecm.org.tw )下載活動報名表,參加者自製英文或中文影片( 長度5分鐘 ),將個人Youtube影片連結於10/26( 一 )之前連同報名表email寄至 ivy@mail.mcu.edu.tw 。遵守智慧財產保護法規定,請勿任意下載、擷取或抄襲他人作品。
( 六 ) 影片內容:
參加者自製英文或中文影片( 長度5分鐘 ),可利用動畫或靜態畫面、照片、字幕、旁白等方式呈現故事性,範例影片( 僅供參考 ): http://video.tecm.org.tw/ → Categories → Student Experience in Taiwan
( http://video.tecm.org.tw/index.php?video/category/4/Student%20Experience%20in%20Taiwan )
( 七 ) 評選標準:
2020 「When I was/am studying in Taiwan…」Video Contest
I. Purpose:
“When I was/am studying in Taiwan…” video contest 2020 is aimed to invite Mongolian nationals who once studied/ graduated from Taiwan’s universities or currently studying in Taiwan, to share their stories while in Taiwan, such as the most impressive/ memorable/ interesting/ exciting experiences, most favorite people/events, proudest moments …etc., through a video project. Winners will be awarded with prizes: Champion NT$6,000 > Runner-up NT$5,000 > 3rd Place NT$4,000.
II. Participants:
Mongolian nationals who are currently in Taiwan or in Mongolia, including students and alumni ( no age limit ).
III. Application Deadline:
from now until October 26th Monday, 2020
IV. Video Language:
English or Chinese
V. Application Method:
1. Download Registration Form from Taiwan Education Center Mongolia website ( www.tecm.org.tw ).
2. Make Youtube Video presented in English or Chinese ( length within 5 minutes ).
3. Together with Registration Form, submit Youtube link by emailing to ivy@mail.mcu.edu.tw before October 26th Monday, 2020
4. Please abide by Intellectual Property Right. Do not download, retrieve or copy other people’s work.
VI. Video Content:
Video should be presented/ recorded in English or Chinese language ( length within 5 minutes ), through motion pictures, photos, subtitles, word scripts or narration.
See example: http://video.tecm.org.tw/ → Categories → Student Experience in Taiwan
VII. Video Selection:
Top three video projects will be selected according to topic, structure, presentation and vividability.