- 本講座敬邀教育部國際及兩岸教育司、勞動部勞動力發展署,以及業界人資講師、留臺外籍校友進行專題就業講座。提供留臺工作評點制說明及就業履歷、面試技巧課程予未來完成學業後有意留臺發展之外籍學生。歡迎各校僑生、外籍生及相關承辦人員參加活動。
- 本次講座謹訂於北中南舉辦共四場:
- 臺北場:110年2月19日(星期五)於國立臺灣師範大學,校本部誠大樓,階梯教室102。
- 新竹場:110年2月26日(星期五)於國立交通大學,光復校區圖書館,國際會議廳。(2月1日起改名為『國立陽明交通大學』)
- 臺南場:110年3月5日(星期五)於臺南文化創意園區,古蹟出張所。
- 臺中場:110年3月8日(星期一)於逢甲大學,人言大樓B1,第六國際會議廳。
- 請各校學生及教職員自行前往ACCUPASS網站系統報名。網址如下:
2021 Resume Writing & Interview Skills Lecture-Taipei Session 外籍生就業履歷及面試技巧講座-臺北場
教育部SIT人才資料庫計畫每年舉辦專屬外籍生的全英文/雙語就業講座,完全免費,內容包含外籍人士工作評點制說明、履歷撰寫&面試技巧課程,還有外籍校友經驗分享! Taiwan Alumni Database holds FREE Resume Writing and Interview Skills Lectures in English every years, including what? Just join us to get further information!
🥳免費講座並供餐🥳FREE LECTURE with Mealbox🥳
臺北場Taipei Session:國立臺灣師範大學 誠大樓 階梯教室102(Room102, Cheng Building, National Taiwan Normal University )
To help foreign students and overseas Chinese students get ready for the job hunting in Taiwan after graduation, Taiwan Alumni Database will hold four different sessions of “Resume Writing and Interview Skills Lectures”, representatively at Taipei, Hsinchu, Taichung and Tainan.
Representatives from the Ministry of Labor will introduce the “Scoring Criteria for Overseas Chinese or Foreign Student Graduated in R.O.C to Work in Taiwan”. Lectures focus on resume writing and interview skills are included in these three sessions and along with experience sharing by alumni. This is a great chance to get ready for your job hunting in Taiwan and please don’t miss it!
👉講座開放對象/This Lecture is open to…👈
僑生 Overseas Chinese Students
外籍生 Foreign Students
學校相關業務承辦人員 University Undertakers
💪Lecture Agenda💪
13:30-13:35|Remarks by MOE
13:35-14:20|Introduction of “Scoring Criteria for Foreigners to Work in Taiwan” by MOL
14:20-15:10|Seminar on Resume Writing Skills
15:10-15:30|Break Time
15:30-16:20|Seminar on Interview Skills
16:20-16:50|Taiwan Alumni Database-Experience Exchange by Alumni
16:50-17:00|Photo Shooting and See You Next Time
教育部SIT人才資料庫計畫(Taiwan Alumni Database)透過建立系統化的人才資料庫,深入了解在臺就學僑外生畢業流向及需求。不定期舉辦各式主題活動及講座,讓僑外生在臺發展更加順利,是曾留學臺灣的僑外校友專屬資源平臺。
Taiwan Alumni Database (TAD) is an information platform built exclusively for overseas Chinese and foreign students by the Ministry of Education. Through the establishment of a database, TAD is able to gain an in-depth understanding of the graduate flow and the needs of overseas Chinese and foreign students studying in Taiwan. TAD also holds various activities and lectures from time to time to assist overseas Chinese and foreign students with their career developments in Taiwan.