Taiwan External Trade Development Council has held “2021 Job-matching Program for Students from Diplomatic Allies and Emerging Markets.”
The program aims to bridge the international students, graduates in Taiwan from diplomatic allies and emerging markets and local Taiwanese companies. The offline job-matching event offers overseas job and internship opportunities, so you can work for Taiwanese companies in your home country after graduation.
Register: https://kad.events.104.com.tw/210409_taitra/index.html
If you have any questions, please contact:
104 Job Matching Program Task Group
Email: Kad_service@104.com.tw
Tel: 02-77056798 #0
Service hours: Mon. ~Fri. 09:00~18:00
報名網址: https://kad.events.104.com.tw/210409_taitra/index.html。
如有問題,請自行聯繫財團法人中華民國對外貿易發展協會姚碧蓮小姐,電話:(02) 2725-5200,分機:1332;電子郵件信箱:belinda@taitra.org.tw。
國際學生組 International Students Division