一、 受嚴重特殊傳染性肺炎疫情影響,許多大專校院僑(外)生因工讀機會減少而面臨生活困頓,部分團體及個人表示盼捐款教育部核發獎助學金協助渠等僑(外)生繼續在臺學業。
Many international and overseas Chinese students had less part-time job opportunities and confronted economic difficulties due to the outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic. Hence, some organizations and individuals hope to donate to the Ministry of Education to support the above-mentioned students continue their studies in Taiwan.

Priority is given to impacted Burmese overseas Chinese student due to the pandemic. The applicant qualifications and issuance rules are as follows:

  • 申請資格Applicant Qualifications:
    Overseas Chinese and international degree students studying at Taiwan Universities (Including NTNU division of preparatory program for overseas Chinese students). Except for students who study through distance learning.
    2.  就讀二年級以上者,其108學年之全學年學業成績平均及格(109學年度新生免附)。
    Those who have studied more than two years, must have hold a passing grade of 2020 academic year (exemption for freshman of year 2021 academic year).
    3. 於大專校院未受申誡以上之懲處。
    No admonition or any severe punishment in university.
    4. 曾於109學年度期間工讀之相關證明。
    Proof of a part-time job in 2021 academic year.
    5. 109學年度期間已依其他規定領取政府提供之獎學金、學雜費補助、減免或助學金者,不得申領本獎助學金。
    Those who have received government scholarships, subsidies/ exemptions of tuition and miscellaneous fee during 2021 academic years are not allowed to apply for this scholarship.
    6. 109學年度期間已領取就讀學校核發之獎助學金者,不得申領本獎助學金。
    Those who have received NDHU scholarships during 2021 academic year are not allowed to apply for this scholarship.
    7. 近三個月(110年4月至6月)已領取校友會、同學會或其他民間團體相關捐款4,000元以上者不得申領本獎助學金。
    Those who have received donations of more than NTD 4,000 from the alumni association, classmate association, or other non-governmental organizations in the past three months (April to June in year 2021) are not allowed to apply for this scholarship
  • 發放原則 Issuance Rules:
    Quota: around 240. The Ministry of Education convenes a meeting to review, and priority is given to Burmese overseas Chinese as designated by the donor.
    Amount: NT$5,000 will be issued once per person.

三、申請相關作業 Application Procedures:

(一)請於即日起~7月8日(四)8:30〜12:00、13:00〜17:00期間將申請相關文件(相關證明文件)交至國際處,逾時恕不受理。Eligible students shall apply for subsidized scholarship directly with Office of International Affairs by submitting the application documents before July 8 (Thu) 8:30-12:00, 13:00-17:00, any further submissions are not acceptable.

Review Procedures: all documents will be reviewed by Office of International Affairs, then will be sent to Ministry of Education for further review.


李依霈 Ellen Lee