
校內報名時間及方式:即日起至 4/6(三) 前寄送下列文件至國際事務處國際合作組 ice@gms.ndhu.edu.tw , 信件主旨:(XXX)報名日本東京都立大學2022暑期日本語言及文化計畫
1.	在學證明
2.	英文版歷年成績單

2022 Summer Japanese Language and Culture Programme (JLCP)

Overview of TMU 2022 Summer JLCP
〇 Contents of Program  
This program consists of 13-hour Japanese Language Courses including lessons given by lecturers and individual tutorial sessions, 
12-hour self-study using e-learning system, 3-hour English lectures on Japanese Culture and Society, plus opportunity to interact with local Japanese TMU students for language and cultural exchange. Please refer to the 2nd page of the flyer for the timetable.  

〇 Program Length  
June 27th, 2022 – July 5th, 2022  

〇 Japanese Language Placement Test  
Students will be allocated to classes based on their Japanese language level according to the result of online placement test. 

〇 Program Fee  
2022 Summer Japanese Virtual Programme