Visit here to check on the NDHU Scholarship regulation.
- Students who have been enrolled for at least one semester of full-time study and have successfully completed their courses.
- The scholarship is for ENROLLED students. Thus, the applicants shall complete all the registration processes, (1) paying the NHI fee, Group Insurance fee, tuition, and miscellaneous fee (or 1/3 tuition and miscellaneous fee, if you apply for Installment), and (2) finishing the online registration, before the registration deadline (school calendar) or your award will be withdrawn directly.
- No record of serious infractions (reprimand, minor demerit, major demerit, detention, or expulsion from school).
- No record of infractions more serious than reprimands.
- Recipients of scholarships from the Taiwanese government or other Taiwanese government-related agencies are not eligible to apply.
- There is a maximum number of semesters for a student to receive the scholarship, which is as follows:
– 8 semesters for undergraduate.
– 4 semesters for graduate.
– 6 semesters for Ph.D.
- Ph.D. students only: are eligible to apply for a maximum of 4 extensions subject to approval by the International Student Admissions Committee. The scholarship shall be limited to 50% of the tuition waiver). If you would like to apply for the extensions, please submit the “Student Report” (click) to OIA before September 14th at 5pm.
Scholarship Information
- Tuition partly or up to full tuition waiver for the semester.
- If awarded with a stipend, 20000-30000/semester.
- Scholarship Duration: 1 semester (5 months)
Application Instruction
The application should be done online. Start your application according to the Application Date at the scholarship application website.
* Newly apply, the ID is the Student ID, and the default password is your birthday (ex: birthday 1999/09/29, then password will be 19990929).
Required Documents
- NDHU academic transcript for each previous semester.
- Students who are working on their Ph.D. or Master’s thesis and have not signed up for any courses in the previous semester can submit their thesis proposal along with their application during the application period. (The thesis proposal should contain the research motivation and objectives, the research structure and design, the data sources and collection methods, the thesis outline, and a bibliography)
2. Students who (1) enrolled in programs taught in Mandarin and don’t hold TOCFL Level 3 or equivalent proficiency certificates, or (2) enrolled in programs taught in English and have not successfully completed two Mandarin courses or don’t hold TOCFL Level 1 or equivalent proficiency certificates) should provide:TOCFL Certificates or Proof of completion of the Mandarin courses (ex: Transcripts→Please Mark the Mandarin courses on your transcript (click here for example).
Optional Documents
- Recommendation letter from your academic advisor or supervising professor. (After completing the application process, the applicational system will automatically email your request to the recommenders).
- Proof of awards/ Certificate of extracurricular activities
- Published papers
- Other supportive documents
Important dates
Application Date: September 12th at 9am – October 03rd at 5pm
Result Announcement: Middle of November
* Note: Application submitted after the deadline will not be accepted.
- 在本校就讀滿一學期且學業成績及格。
- 無申誡以上記錄、在學期間未受學校申誡處分(含)以上懲處者。
- 申請者不得同時兼領我國政府相關單位之獎助學金。
- 仍在受獎期限內之學生。受領獎學金(含免學費及生活津貼)之期限,超過受獎累計期限者,不再核發獎學金並需依相關規定繳納各項費用:
學士班: 至多八學期
碩士班: 至多四學期
博士班: 至多六學期
- 惟博士班學生,得視情況申請延長4次為限,獎學金內容以學雜費減半為限。如有意願申請延長,請填覆學生報告書(點選)。並於9月14日下午5點前繳交至國際事務處。
- 學雜費:部分減免或全免。
- 如獲有生活津貼,每學期新台幣兩萬至三萬元。
- 受獎期限: 一個學期 (5個月)
- 獎學金為線上申請。請在獎學金開放申請期間至網站完成申請程序。
登入帳號為「學號」,密碼為生日(例如:生日 1999/09/29,則密碼為 19990929)。 - 必繳文件
– 在校歷年成績單。
– 論文撰寫計畫(限撰寫博士或碩士論文期間前一學期無學業成績者)。
– 獲獎生如符合下列情形,須提供(1)TOCFL語言能力證明書,或(2)成績單載明修讀華語課程證明,並在成績單上標記(點選此查看範例)。
(一) 中文授課學生無 TOCFL Level 3 或同等能力證明者。
(二) 英文授課學生未修滿 2 門華語課程及格者,或無 TOCFL Level 1 或同等能力證明者。 - 附加文件
– 顧問或指導教授推薦信。(系統會在申請者完成申請後,將推薦信邀請信寄給申請者填寫的推薦人)
– 獲獎證明(獎狀)或其他各項證明文件
– 出版文章或論文
– 其他有利資料
申請時間: 9月12日 上午9點 – 10月3日 下午5點
結果公告: 11月中旬
*注意: 逾時申請將拒絕受理。
劉庭汝 Ting
國際事務處 國際招生組
International Admissions Division
Office of International Affairs (OIA)