English Version Below
- 具本校學籍之在學學位生
- 出國時大學三年級以上,能獨立進行研究者
- 英語能力CEFR B2以上( IELTS 5.5-6.5, TOEFL iBT 72-94, TOEFL ITP Level 1 & 2 543-626,Cambridge English FCE 160-179, Cambridge English CAE 160-179, and Cambridge English (CPE)
- 報名費:JPY30,000
- 註冊費:全免
- 學雜費:全免
- 填寫google 表單向國際處報名,同時繳交以下文件:https://forms.gle/WmHWBvNoCszJfmY28
- 在學證明
- 家長同意書(下載範本:海外短期交流家長同意書)
- 語言能力證明
- 英文版歷年成績單
- 英文版GPA換算對照表
2. 透過姊妹校報名系統申請並送出nomination request
English Version
- be Bachelor 3rd year*or higher level who has basic/good knowledge to conduct research work independently.
- complete this program at SIT and return to home university before graduation from the home university.
- have good English skills* (CEFR B2 equivalent or higher)
- Application (Registration) fee: JPY30,000*
- • Admission fee: All Waived
- • Tuition: All Waived
◎Registration Deadline: until 12:00 pm on January 3, 2023
◎Registration Procedure:
1.Sign up via google form and upload below documents to OIA.
Google form:https://forms.gle/WmHWBvNoCszJfmY28
- Student Status Certificate
- Parental Consent Letter(Form:Parental Consent Letter)
- Language Proficiency
- Transcripts in English
- GPA transform table in English
2.apply via system and send nomination request
*OIA will officially nominate you via system, please complete application by January 9, 2023.
◎More INFO:https://www.shibaura-it.ac.jp/en/study/exchange_programs/research.html