According to the NDHU International Student Scholarship Regulations Article 2: “The home college of scholarship applicant will conduct a preliminary review and make a list of recommended candidates; the list of candidates shall be submitted to the NDHU Overseas Recruitment Committee for final review subject to approval by the NDHU president.”
Therefore, all results were carefully reviewed by the committee members of the department, college, and school; if you have any problems or suggestions, it is suggested to consult with your departmental office or college office.

The fall 2022 NDHU Scholarship Result will be announced on the scholarship application system on 11/11 at 8 am.
Log into the following link with your student ID and password:

 Type A awardees:
◈ 100% Tuition Waiver + Stipend NTD 30,000/ semester (Graduates)
◈ 100% Tuition Waiver + Stipend NTD 20,000/ semester (Undergraduates)

Note: As we will need your ARC and Bankbook information to distribute your stipend, prepared to receive an email; titled【OIA】NDHU Scholarship Awardee Information-2022 Fall Semester.

 Type B and C awardees:
◈ Type B: 100% Tuition Waiver
◈ Type C: 50% Tuition Waiver


111學年度第1學期東華獎學金審查結果將會於 11 月 11 日上午 8 點在獎學金申請系統網站上公佈。

Type A獲獎者:
◈ 100% 學費減免 + 助學金 NTD 30,000/學期(研究所)
◈ 100% 學費減免 + 助學金 NTD 20,000/學期(學士班)

注意:由於我們需要您的 ARC 和存摺信息來分配您的津貼,因此準備好接收電子郵件;標題為【OIA】NDHU Scholarship Awardee Information-2022 Fall Semester。

Type B和 Type C獲獎者:
◈ B 類:100% 學雜費減免
◈ C 類:50% 學雜費減免

國際事務處 國際招生組
International Admissions Division
Office of International Affairs (OIA)