—- English version in below —-
- 第一期課(為期2週的日語強化課程)
【期間】2023年6月26日-7月6日 《級別》僅限日語初級班(1級)
- 第二期課(為期 4 週的日語和文化課程)
【期間】2023年7月10日-8月4日 《級別》初級到高級班(4級)
- 第一期 + 第二期(為期6週的日語和文化課程) 這是一個包含第 1 和第 2 節的組合課程。
申請截止日期:2023 年 3 月 31 日
– 每個課程都有不同的條件,申請人需要遵循這些先決條件。
– 一旦申請數量達到最大限制,申請人將被列入等候名單。
1.填寫google 表單向國際處報名 https://forms.gle/WmHWBvNoCszJfmY28
* 在學證明
*家長同意書 (下載範本Form:海外短期交流家長同意書)
2.線上申請連結 https://www.seinan-gu.ac.jp/eng/summer_program/application_fee/japanese_program.html
線上申請密碼 : summer2023
23 SGU Summer Intensive Japanese Program
Seinan Gakuin University
Today, we are excited to announce that the application for
SEINAN Summer Japanese Program 2023 (IN-PERSON) is now open
for the first time in 4 years since the COVID-19 pandemic has begun.
We are very honored that we have been running this program for almost
20 years with great success. Also, we are pleased to inform you that,
as of 2020, we expanded our Summer Program so that we can offer
Japanese language education experiences for more students.
There are 3 types of programs to choose from depending on the
participant’s Japanese level, preference, and budget.
The programs we are offering for Summer 2023 are as follows:
- Session 1 (2-week Japanese Intensive Program)
[Period] June 26th -July 6th, 2023
[Levels] Introductory Japanese Class only (1 level)● Session 2 (4-week Japanese and Culture Program)
[Period] July 10th – August 4th, 2023
[Levels] Beginning to Advanced Classes (4 levels)● Session 1+2 (6-week Japanese and Culture Program)
This is a combined program with Session 1 and Session 2.Application Deadline:March 31st, 2023
Please note that:
– each session has different pre-requisites that applicants need to follow.
– once the number of applications reaches a maximum limit, further
applications will be placed on the waiting list. So, we recommend your
students apply promptly once they make up their minds to join us.
– password is required upon online application.
You can find more details about each program (e.g., favorite features, fees,
requirements, etc.) at the following website and in the attachment.
[Program Overview]
How to register:
1. Fill out the google form to register with the International Office, and submit the following documents at the same time
*Student Status Certificate
*Parental Consent Letter(Form:Parental Consent Letter)
2. Online Application Page
More Info:
23 SGU Summer Intensive Japanese Program