美國 University of Minnesota Duluth  


English version in below

◎時間:2023 年 7 月 10 日至 8 月 4 日



※  Labovitz School of Business & Economics  – Managing for Superior Outcomes:

※  College of Arts Humanities & Social Sciences –  America Here & Now

◎費用:US 3000

◎報名時間: 2023.05.01


1.填寫google 表單向國際處報名  https://forms.gle/WmHWBvNoCszJfmY28


* 在學證明

*家長同意書    (下載範本Form:海外短期交流家長同意書)

2.線上申請連結    https://aa2.d.umn.edu/elci/register

更多相關資訊 請看  https://ips.d.umn.edu/elci/summer-programs


English version


◎Period: July 10 – August 4, 2023

◎Location:University of Minnesota Duluth


※ Labovitz School of Business & Economics  Managing for Superior Outcomes:

※ College of Arts Humanities & Social Sciences –  America Here & Now


◎Registration Deadline: Apply by May 1, 2023

  • How to register:

◎ Fill out the google form to register with the International Office, https://forms.gle/WmHWBvNoCszJfmY28     

and submit the following documents at the same time.

*Student Status Certificate

*Parental Consent Letter  (Form:Parental Consent Letter)

◎ Online Application Page https://aa2.d.umn.edu/elci/register

◎ For more info https://ips.d.umn.edu/elci/summer-programs