English version in below



◎費用:JPY 25000 約新臺幣6000




1.填寫google 表單向國際處報名,同時繳交以下文件:

Google form:https://forms.gle/WmHWBvNoCszJfmY28

  1. 透過姊妹校報名系統報名


Flyer Explore Japan And Technology

English version


◎Location:Shibaura Institute of Technology

◎Fee:JPY 25000 (About NTD 6000)

The program fee does NOT include some items such as Air Ticket, Accommodation, daily transportation, travel Insurance or other living/personal expenses and more.  

◎Registration Deadline:Until 2023.5.7

1.Sign up via google form and upload below documents to OIA.

Google form:https://forms.gle/WmHWBvNoCszJfmY28

2.Complete the online application form for Partner Uni.


Flyer Explore Japan And Technology