(English follows Chinese)

教育部112學年度第1學期研究所優秀僑生獎學金申請資訊如下,作業須知請參考以下連結: https://b027.ndhu.edu.tw/ezfiles/114/1114/img/1811/470283184.pdf



  1. 依僑生回國就學及輔導辦法,來臺就讀本校研究所之優秀僑生。
  2. 在本校具有研究所正式學籍(不含延修生),且已修滿一學期以上(含直升博士班)者。
  3. 每學期修習學分數至少6學分以上,前一學期學業成績達80分(含)以上及操性成績達80分(含)以上者。
  4. 已領有政府提供之學雜費補助、減免或其他獎助學金者不得重複申請本獎學金。



  1. 金額:每人新臺幣10,000元/月。
  2. 發放時間:2023年8月〜2024年1月。



  1. 申請表(必繳)、學習計畫書(必繳)、自傳(必繳)、推薦函(選繳),申請表詳如附件
  2. 111學年度第2學期成績單正本(必繳)
  3. 111學年度第2學期全班排名百分比正本(必繳)。(請至教務處申請「前一學期成績總平均之名次證明書」)
  4. 其他有利審查資料(選繳)。





Please find the following information about ‘‘Scholarship for Outstanding Overseas Chinese Graduate Students. For the ‘‘NDHU Instructions Regarding Scholarship for Outstanding Overseas Chinese Graduate Students,’’ please refer to the link: https://b027.ndhu.edu.tw/ezfiles/114/1114/img/1811/470283184.pdf


Application Criteria:

  1. Outstanding overseas Chinese students studying at an NDHU graduate institute pursuant to the ‘‘Regulations Regarding Study and Counseling Assistance for Overseas Chinese Students in Taiwan’’.
  2. Has completed studying for at least one semester (including students directly admitted to doctoral programs).
  3. Taking at least six credits per semester, and the average academic and conduct grades of the previous semester shall be 80 or above.
  4. Overseas Chinese students shall not be eligible to apply for subsidized scholarship, if they already receive tuition subsidies, exemptions, or scholarships from the Taiwan government.


Awarding Amount and Period:

  1. Amount: NTD 10,000/ month
  2. Period: from august 2023 to January 2024
  3. Application Documents:

Please use a stapler to fasten the documents and submit them in the following order.

  1. Application Form (required), Study plan (required), Autobiography (required), Letter of Recommendation (optional) (as attached).
  2. Original copy of the academic transcript of the first semester of the academic year 111-2.
  3. Original copy of class ranking of the first semester of academic year 111-2.
  4. Relevant service certificates issued within one year (optional).


Application Date: 9-12 AM, 1-5 PM, Sep 26 to Sep 27, 2023

Please submit the application documents to the Office of International Affairs before the deadline. Applications submitted after the deadline will not be accepted.


李依霈 Ellen Lee
國際事務處 國際招生組
International Admissions Division
Office of International Affairs (OIA)