申請日期:2023/10/2 (一) 12:00前
1. 申請表(如附件)
2. 自傳
3. 最近2學年成績單(新生免附)
Scholarship Application Form台北天母扶輪社外籍學生獎助金申請表下載
Dear all,
The application for the Rotary Club of Taipei Tienmou Foreign Student Scholarship is Now Available. If you would like to apply for the scholarship, please follow the below notifications.
Application Deadline: by 2023.Oct 2nd, 12:00pm
Required Documents:
- Application form (as attached)
- Autobiography
- Transcripts for recent 2 academic years (new students may ignore this)
Notice: Please note that all the document should be typed in computer, printed, and signed. The hand-written application will not be accepted.
How to apply:
Submit the above-required document to the OIA(Admin. Building 6F) personally.
If you are an international student, please submit it to the Manager Hui-Ting Chen.
If you are an overseas Chinese Student, mainland Chinese, please submit it to the Manager Ellen Lee.
Scholarship Application Form台北天母扶輪社外籍學生獎助金申請表
※This scholarship is non-exclusive, and applicants can concurrently receive scholarships from other sources.
※This scholarship is available for both international students and overseas chinese students.
※The Tianmu Rotary Club will individually notify applicants who have passed the review for an interview. Those who do not pass will not receive any further notifications.
Best regards,
International Admissions Division,
Office of International Affairs.
National Dong Hwa University