English version in below



◎費用:JPY140,000 約新臺幣31,000



◎名額:3位 (額滿為止,先報先得)


1.填寫google 表單向國際處報名,同時繳交以下文件:

Google form:https://forms.gle/WmHWBvNoCszJfmY28

  1. 透過姊妹校報名系統報名(需完成日語測試)

How to Apply | TMU International Center International Affairs Office


詳細資訊:Application Guide(2024TMU Summer Program)

English version


◎Location:Tokyo Metropolitan University

◎Fee:JPY140,000 (About NTD31,000)

The program fee includes accommodation, course textbooks, admission fees for field trips and workshop materials.

◎Registration Deadline:Until 2024.4.10

◎Quota Limit: Three students(spaces are limited and available on a first come first served basis.)

1.Sign up via google form and upload below documents to OIA.

Google form:https://forms.gle/WmHWBvNoCszJfmY28

2.Complete the online application form for Partner Uni.

(Before applying the program, students will have to take “SPOT90” test with free of charge)

How to Apply | TMU International Center International Affairs Office

3. OIA will help to nomination and wait for the aceptance letter from TMU.

More Information:Application Guide(2024TMU Summer Program)

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