In order to give overseas students opportunities to experience more about the culture and local snack. Taiwan Hostfamily Program invites all overseas students to this activity for free. We welcome you to join Pastry Making Activity in Kaohsiung.

  1. Participants 活動對象: Overseas students & host families
  2. Venue 活動地點: 舊振南漢餅文化館(高雄市大寮區捷西路298號,近大寮捷運站1號出口)
    JIU ZHEN NAN HAN PASTRY HOUSE(No. 298, Jiexi Rd., Daliao Dist., Kaohsiung City, near KRTC Daliao Station, Exit 1)
  3. Date 活動日期:November 22, 2020
  4. Registration 報名: <<You can sign up with method A or method B, you don’t have to do both.我們提供A、B兩種報名方式,您只需選擇其中一種方式報名即可>>
    1. Paper Form 紙本報名Click Here按此報名
      (1) Fill out the online application form and print out the form. Remember to sign your name on it. 填寫線上報名表單,並印出表單。記得在表單上簽名。
      (2)  Find school faculty/professor to help you complete the seal part. 請學校教職員/教授協助您完成蓋章的部分。
      (3)  Scan and photograph the form, then send it via email to us ( 將報名表掃描或拍照,用email傳至本計畫信箱(。
      (4)  Fill out the HEALTH CARE SURVEY  填寫健康追蹤問卷,即完成報名。
    2. Register Online 線上報名 Click Here 按此報名
      If you haven’t had an account, please create an account first. The registration procedure is below. 若您尚未註冊帳號,請註冊帳號再行報名,註冊流程如下:
      (1) Sign up your online system account 登入您的線上系統帳號。
      (2) Please click the link above again to sign up for the event. 待您登入系統帳號後,請再次點擊以上連結登入並報名活動。
      (3) Fill out the HEALTH CARE SURVEY  填寫健康追蹤問卷,即完成報名。
  5. Registration Deadline 報名截止日期: November 11
  6. Contact Information 聯絡資訊: 黃品舜 Mario  Tel: 06-2533131 #1603  E-mail:
  7. Notes 注意事項:
    (1) All students and host families are required to fill out the health care survey to complete the registration. Completing the registration process doesn’t guarantee your attendance. The final result will be sent to your email before November 12.
    (2) Each person can only sign up for one session.
    (3) We will match you with a host family in the activity. Unexpected absence is not allowed. Please be responsible for your registration.
    (4) Due to the COVID-19 prevention policy, temperature check and mask wearing are both required before entering.
  8. Itinerary 活動議程:
Time Morning Session
10:10-10:30 Gathering at Jiu Zhen Nan in Kaohsiung
10:30-10:40 Meet and Greet
10:40-11:30 DIY of Han Pastry
11:30-11:50 Introduction of Jiu Zhen Nan Han Pastry House
11:50-12:00 Farewell
Time Afternoon Session
13:00-13:20 Gathering at Jiu Zhen Nan in Kaohsiung
13:20-13:30 Meet and Greet
13:30-14:20 DIY of Han Pastry
14:20-14:40 Introduction of Jiu Zhen Nan Han Pastry House
14:40-14:50 Farewell