【轉知】Seminar: How to effectively capitalize on business opportunities in Latin America 全球產業鏈合作中的拉美市場商機調查與企業交流會
Fall-winter COVID-19 prevention program to be launched on December 1; CECC urges the public and healthcare facilities to follow related measures 12月1日秋冬防疫專案啟動,請民眾及醫療院所主動配合相關措施
On November 18, the Central Epidemic Command Cente...
【轉知】National Kaohsiung Normal University Scholarship for Student Educational Internship in Taiwan (2020-2021) TEEP國立高雄師範大學海外青年蹲點入校短期教育實習
To enhance the English learning environment in Tai...
博士班外國學生菁英獎學金 Scholarship for Elite Ph.D. Students Award
Scholarship for Elite Ph. D. Students Award (Begin...
【轉知】2020-11-22 (Sun.) Pastry Making Activity in Kaohsiung – Han Pastry 高雄舊振南漢餅文化館手作體驗活動
In order to give overseas students opportunities t...
【轉知】2020-11-21 (Sat.) Cultural Activity in Taichung 臺灣文化體驗─梧棲土地信 仰人文之旅
Taichung Wuqi was one of the most popular commerci...