

We are very pleased to invite you to an event before Christmas “Seminar: How to effectively capitalize on business opportunities in Latin America” held by Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ROC (Taiwan) and TAITRA. In the seminar, a market researcher will share her findings of Latin America; also, Taiwanese entrepreneurs will be invited so you can feel free to exchange ideas with them.
♫ Food, music and dancing are supplied in the event. Welcome to join us!


時間與地點 / Time and Location
時間:2020年12月23日14:00-16:30 (13:30開始報到)

Date: 2020.12.23 (Wednesday)
Time: 14:00-16:30 (Registration 13:30-13:55)
Venue: Grand Hyatt Taipei, Residence One (1F)
Address: 2, SongShou Road, Taipei, Taiwan

注意事項 / Notice
報名截止日期:2020/12/08 (或額滿為止)。
由於場地限制關係,報名名額有限,各校可先派1-2位拉美在台留學生報名,本會將於12/10日前Email通知參加名單 (如額滿也將通知無法參加的學生)。

Registration: Register now (by 2020/12/08)  https://forms.gle/CwYWKtkmd4HCRm5T7 (or until registration full)
Please note that there is a limit of space, therefore we will inform you via email on around 12/10 whether you are successfully registered or not.