交流營隊 Camps

其他交流活動 Other Activities

1. 交流期間須為本校在學學生。
2. 應屆畢業學生於交流期間須為在學學生,即有延畢證明或已錄取本校研究所且完成報到手續。


校內報名、繳交報名文件 ⇒ 姊妹校系統申請 ⇒ 姊妹校審核/錄取


1. 務必詳讀本校規範及姊妹校活動資訊,並遵守相關事項,於規定日期出發及返台,如無法全程參與或按時往返,請勿報名。
2.入選名單公告後, 團員須選出一位代表擔任小隊長,並於規定時間內來信 回報國際處。小隊長須協助事項, 例如:回覆國際處航班信息、召集團員討論 準備簡報及表演、活動集合時清點人數等。
4.自行購買機票、辦妥護照、台胞證(如非參加大陸姊妹校交流營則免),並於規定時間內 提供給國際處。


Application Eligibility

1. Degree student with official enrollment status.

2. Students in their last semester should hold a student status during the program period, either providing a Postponement of Graduation proof or having been registered as Masters students in NDHU.

3. Eligible for the partner university’s requirement.

Application Procedure

Submit documents for NDHU application⇒partner university application⇒partner university review/acceptance

*The application procedure and required documents for each program are different, please refer to the program announcement to complete the application.

Responsibilities and Obligations

  1. Applicants must read the NDHU guideline and partner university’s program information thoroughly, and comply with the regulations and designated dates of departure from and return to Taiwan. If there’s an inability to participate fully or depart/return on time, please do not apply.
  2. Upon the announcement of nominations, the traveling group must appoint one leader, and send Email(s) to Office of International Affairs according to the regulations and deadline. The leader’s responsibilities include: reporting the flight information to OIA, gathering the team to prepare the presentation/performance, taking attendance at every gathering, etc.
  3. The traveling group participating in the same camp should always travel as a group, and take the same flight from and to Taiwan, for the convenience of the partner university to arrange transportation.
  4. Apply for a passport, and Mainland Travel Permit for Taiwan Residents (only for local students applying to universities in China) by yourself, and provide a copy to OIA before the deadline.
  5. Applicants must apply for overseas insurance for the whole program period before departure.
  6. Enrolled students listed as draftees for the military must apply for an exit permit before departure. Refer here for the application method: https://www.ris.gov.tw/departure/app/Departure/main
  7. In case needed, participating students should prepare and practice in advance for presentation or performance according to the schedule from the partner university. The presentation could include the introduction of NDHU, departments, Taiwanese culture, etc. Please refer to OIA’s promotion material and also share your personal experience.

Within a month upon the end of the camp, please write and submit your report following the format. Failure to submit before the deadline would result in the eligibility revocation of participating in future camps.


國際處國際合作組 黃馨逸 助理

